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Common Tree Diseases & How To Treat Them

Tallow Tree Services Pty Ltd • August 26, 2022

Trees are living things just like humans, and just like humans, they're susceptible to a variety of diseases and pests that can cause them serious harm. If you have trees in your garden, keep an eye out for some serious tree diseases commonly found in Australia. The faster you respond when your tree is diseased, the better its chances of survival. Let's take a look at some of the most common tree diseases in Australia and how to treat them.

Myrtle Rust

Myrtle rust is a fungal disease that affects nearly all plants in the myrtle family. If you catch it early, there's a good chance that you can treat it and save your plant. Common symptoms of myrtle rust include small orange-red spots on leaves that turn into yellowish-white pustules. You might also see black spored under the infected areas of your plant. To treat myrtle rust, remove affected parts from your tree by cutting off dead leaves and stems with clean pruning shears or garden clippers. Clean your tools and dispose of infected leaves safely, far away from your property.

Root Rot

Root rot is a common ailment that affects many different trees, but it's easy to treat if you know what to look for. Look at the roots of your trees. If any are discoloured, soft, or dead, then the plant may be suffering from root rot. You can prevent root rot by planting trees carefully according to their needs, making sure not to plant trees too close together so that they aren't competing for water and sunlight.

Damping Off

Damping off is a fungal disease that most commonly affects vegetables and flowers, but it can also affect common trees throughout Australia including palm trees. It affects many parts of the plant, including its leaves and stems, and often appears as brown spots or blotches on leaves as well as wilting and collapse of the affected plant. It's caused by a fungus, which means it's more likely to occur in wet weather conditions, and it's possible to reduce the risk of damping off by avoiding overwatering. Fungicides may also stop the problem from spreading to other seedlings.

Pink Disease

Pink disease is a common infection in many types of trees including eucalyptus, pine trees, and even citrus plants including lemon trees. It's an infection that causes the leaves of plants to turn brown and die back, and it can be identified by the pinkish colour of its spores. Pink disease is relatively rare, and if you're concerned that your trees are infected by this pathogen, it's advisable to call an arborist as soon as possible.


Pest infestations are some of the most common causes of tree disease and illness in Australia. There are many different types of pests that might impact the health of your trees, such as:

  • Citrus leaf miners, which affect citrus trees
  • Bronze birch borer beetles, which affect birch trees
  • Five spined bark beetles, which affect pine trees
  • Native budworms, which affect apple trees
  • Mealy bugs, which affect palm trees

 Each species of tree is vulnerable to its own array of pests, and the treatment for each type of pest is slightly different. To find out how to treat your pest infestation, contact an arborist.

Get In Touch

If you're concerned that your trees are suffering from a disease or an infestation, calling an arborist is the quickest and most reliable way to save your tree and prevent the disease from spreading around your garden.

At Tallow Tree Services, we can diagnose and treat infections and infestations in all kinds of common Australian trees and plants. Call us today on
0401 208 797 to find out more.

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