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How To Grow And Care For Outside Palm Trees

Tallow Tree Services Pty Ltd • May 12, 2021

Palm trees are a popular choice of foliage all around the world, not just here in Australia. Often loved for their tropical appearance, palm trees come in an impressive variety of shapes, sizes, and flowering fruit - there's so much more than the towering, beach-dwelling, coconut-dropping species that has become synonymous with the name!

At Tallow Tree Services, we're committed to providing Australians with the essential information they need to sustainably and safely grow outside palm trees - and keep them in great condition. If you want to know how to grow and care for outside palm trees, read on.

Growing outside palm trees

When it comes to growing outside palm trees, the first thing you need to consider is the species. For one, not all species of palm tree are hardy enough to withstand cold weather; with Winter temperatures down under plummeting to as low as five degrees celsius, the choice of palm tree species especially important.

We recommend the Australian Cabbage Tree Palm or Chinese Windmill Palm, but there are many suitable choices. You also need to research how much sunlight a species of palm tree can withstand, as young palm trees, in particular, are sensitive to extreme heat.

If you're planting a palm tree outside, it's likely that you'll be doing so on your lawn or other exterior decorative areas. When this is the case, ensure that the soil you'll be planting your palm tree into is the right pH. Again, it varies from species to species but the general consensus is that soil that is slightly acidic yields the best growth potential. You also want soil that drains well to avoid waterlogging.

5 outside palm tree planting tips

  1.  When planting your palm tree, make sure the root ball is kept moist throughout. 
  2. The planting hole should be backfilled with a 50:50 blend of both new and native soil.
  3. Ensure the palm tree remains well watered as it grows.
  4. Palm trees should ideally be planted in either Spring or Summer, but most can be planted around the year.
  5. For the best growing chances, spread mulch out around the initial planting hole for continual nourishment.

Caring for outside palm trees

Once your outside palm tree has started to grow, you can look forward to establishing a consistent palm tree care routine. For the first several months of a palm tree's life, the soil should never be allowed to dry out. Water the tree on a supplementary basis but never let the soil become soggy. 
Dead fronds should be trimmed as they can become a fire hazard; however, never top your palm tree as this can disfigure or even kill it. 

5 outside palm tree care tips

  1. Only water your palm trees once a month in the winter months.
  2. Be sure to check for any yellowing or browning on your leaves, as this is a sign of overwatering.
  3. Similarly, brown leaf tips may mean that your palm tree is underwatered.
  4. Fertilizer should be applied during the growing season, but not for the first 6-8 weeks of a palm tree's life.
  5. Be sure to examine for signs of bark damage, as this can lead to diseases and pests living there.

Talk to Tallow Tree Services today

If you have any further questions about growing your own palm tree outside, get in touch with our team today. We'll be happy to help answer your queries and offer our tree services should you require sustainable arboricultural solutions.

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